To meet the professional education requirement for licensure as a Mental Health Counselor, you must present evidence of receiving a master's or doctoral degree in counseling from a program that is:. A program located outside the United States and its territories may be used to satisfy the professional education requirement if it:. To be considered substantially equivalent, your program must include at least 60 semester hours, or the equivalent, of graduate study that contains curricular content that includes but is not limited to the following areas:.
Note: The education requirement for licensure as a Mental Health Counselor can only be met through completion of graduate level courses at an acceptable degree granting institution. Training in an institute or by a registered individual does not meet the education requirement for licensure even if the training is accredited by a private organization. Evidence of receipt of your degree s must be presented on Form 2 - Certification of Professional Education - and must be submitted directly to the Office of the Professions by the school s where you obtained your degree s.
In most cases, an official transcript is also needed. A degree in school counseling, school psychology or another field that is not registered as leading to licensure in New York or accredited as a clinical mental health counseling program by CACREP may not meet the education requirements for Mental Health Counseling.
The Department must conduct an individual transcript evaluation of an applicant for licensure as a Mental Health Counselor who graduated from a program that, at the time of graduation, was not a masters or higher degree in mental health counseling of 60 semester hours or more that was either:. In addition to verifying the required course content, the Department must determine if the applicant completed a supervised internship in mental health counseling and psychotherapy as part of the degree program.
This evaluation requires information that is not on the transcript, so the applicant must ask the Chair or Director of the academic department to complete and submit a Certification of Supervised Internship and Practicum Form 2INT.
In addition to the professional education requirement, every applicant for Mental Health Counseling licensure or a limited permit must complete coursework or training in the identification and reporting of child abuse in accordance with Section 3 a of the Education Law. See additional information and a list of approved providers for this training.
To meet the experience requirement for licensure as a Mental Health Counselor, you must submit documentation of completion of a supervised experience of at least 3, clock hours providing Mental Health Counseling in a setting acceptable to the Department.
Not less than 1, clock hours of such required experience must consist of direct contact with clients. The remaining experience may consist of other activities that do not involve direct client contact, including but not limited to, recordkeeping, case management, research, supervision and professional development.
When an applicant completes less than 3, hours in a setting, at least one-half of the hours must be direct; the remainder may be indirect. It is not acceptable to complete direct and indirect activities in different settings under different supervisors and attempt to combine these hours to meet the experience requirement.
Experience for licensure must be completed in a legal manner, under a qualified supervisor in a setting that is authorized to provide professional services. In New York State, the experience must be under a limited permit issued by the Department for a specific setting under a qualified supervisor see below. Experience in other jurisdictions will be evaluated to determined if the equivalent requirements have been satisfied in a legal manner.
You must apply for a license and have your education approved to be eligible for a limited permit. For additional information about limited permits, see the Limited Permits Section.
To be acceptable to the Department, your supervised experience in New York State must meet the following supervision and setting requirements. Your supervisor must be licensed and registered in New York State to practice Mental Health Counseling, medicine, as a physician assistant, psychology, licensed clinical social work, or as a registered professional nurse or nurse practitioner and competent in the practice of Mental Health Counseling, or must have the equivalent qualifications as determined by the Department for experience completed in another jurisdiction.
The supervisor is responsible for the assessment, evaluation, and treatment of each patient and must delegate to the limited permit holder those activities the limited permit holder is competent to perform by education, training or licensure. The supervisor must provide an average of one hour per week or two hours every other week of in-person individual or group supervision.
In addition, the supervisor is responsible for appropriate oversight of all services provided by a limited permit holder under his or her general supervision. No supervisor can supervise more than five limited permit holders at one time. All supervised experience must be verified by your supervisor s using a Certification of Supervised Experience Form 4B. Acceptable verification should include an attestation by the actual supervisor.
In cases where such attestation is not available, the Department may accept an attestation of the duration and frequency of the supervised experience and the qualifications of the supervisor submitted by a licensed colleague. The setting where the experience is obtained must be a location where legally authorized individuals provide services that constitute the practice of Mental Health Counseling, as defined in Education Law, and must be responsible for the services provided by individuals gaining experience for licensure.
The setting cannot be a private practice owned or operated by the applicant. If the experience is completed in a setting other than the permit setting, you must submit an operating certificate or certificate of incorporation that indicates the entity is authorized to employ licensed professionals and provide services that are restricted under Title VIII of the Education Law.
The setting where the experience is gained is responsible for the services provided by individuals gaining experience for licensure. The setting is also responsible for providing adequate supervision to such individuals and for assigning a qualified supervisor, as defined in this section, to individuals gaining experience for licensure.
Please note: New York State candidates for the Mental Health Counselor licensing examination must have completed their graduate program and received the graduate degree as a condition for admission to the examination. Applicants for licensure will not be approved to take the examination prior to receipt of the graduate degree. Information regarding the examination, including examination format, select bibliography, and availability of study materials for purchase, may be obtained from the NBCC by contacting them at:.
If you have passed the NCMHCE for another licensing jurisdiction, you will need to ask NBCC to submit your passing examination score directly to the Office of the Professions on your behalf, using the contact information above.
Note: New York State will not accept an examination given under non-standard conditions except per the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Examples of such non-standard conditions include the use of a dictionary or extra time for applicants whose primary language is other than English.
If a candidate passed the examination under non-standard conditions for another jurisdiction, that candidate may be required to retake the examination under standard conditions.
If you have a disability and may require reasonable testing accommodations for the examination, you must complete and submit a Request for Reasonable Testing Accommodations form 23 KB. You must mail the Request for Reasonable Testing Accommodations form to the address printed on that form, along with the required documentation. You will be notified in writing as to whether or not your request for accommodations has been approved. If your request is approved, it will be valid for 1 year from the date of the approval notification.
You may not test until your request for accommodations has been processed by the Department. If you schedule a test before your request for accommodations has been processed, you may lose any fee paid to the examination administrator. Please be sure to check the box in item 8 of your Application for Licensure Form 1 if you are requesting accommodations. The Form 3 will be reviewed to determine if you have prior disciplinary history which may constitute a question of moral character for the license or limited permit.
An applicant seeking endorsement of a license in Mental Health Counseling issued by another jurisdiction must present evidence of having completed 5 years of licensed practice in the 10 years prior to applying for licensure in New York State. In addition to filing the application form, applicants must provide certain documents and materials that explain the planned alterations.
Learn more about how to get a permit. You can also download our Fact Sheet on Emergency Repairs here. Applications The Landmarks Preservation Commission LPC helps preserve the City's landmark properties by regulating changes made to these buildings and sites.
LPC permits are not required for emergency repairs such as: Temporarily boarding up windows and doors to prevent possible damage i. LPC permits are not required for ordinary repairs or maintenance such as: Replacing broken window glass Repainting a building's exterior or architectural feature a color that matches the existing color Replacing caulk around windows and doors Questions?
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