Obviously we didn't get our free drinks either. Now I'm having to fight with American trying to get a refund of the money we spent for the Main Cabin extra fees. The fun never stops. I will never fly American again. Pros: "Entertainment, crew, and service were great.
Captain announced kept us updated and the flight was smoothe sailing. Cons: "No room to move at all. I had an aisle seat and almost everyone bumped into me when walking by. The guy In Front of me reclined his seat and banged into my knees for 4 hours. If the inside person wanted out, we had to grab our belongings, unbuckle, and move completely into the aisle to let him out. Then do it all over again when he returned.
Rediculously tight on space. Pros: "It was incident free. Cons: "I can't comment on food. I didn't get any. Cons: "AA cancel flights recurringly and has no ability to help their customers. Got I flight cancelled yesterday, and was move to another flight later pm that supposed to leave ate pm.
An absurd! Flight was rescheduled to today at 10am and obviously took off 1h delayed because AA can't organize simple things to expedite the boarding process. Cons: "Flight was 2 hours late due to weather! Pros: "Great staff and crew. Keep you posted and informed. Good service. Cons: "Unsatisfied and spent over an hour on the tarmac waiting For a gate change that was not communicated.
I have high expectations for AA and have had great experiences in the past. I will reconsider using this airline in the future. Pros: "Gate agent was very friendly and the flight boarded and departed on schedule".
Cons: "No dislikes about this flight. Everything went well". Pros: "Smooth ride, checked in online, electronic boarding pass, going through security - a breeze. Was little apprehensive because I heard bad things about AA - my 1st experience was good. They canceled both of my flights and scheduled me for flights the next day each time.
Customer service pretty poor. I opted to take a train instead. Cons: "Flight was delayed for nearly 5 hours. There was no accommodations for the delay, except for apologies. Very limited snacks were provided, but this huge delay cut into our reservations and vacation in our resort.
Muy buen vuelo. Cons: "Nothing bad. Pros: "The employees were nice. That's about it for positive words. Cons: "As we were a few minutes from our scheduled boarding, the flight was canceled. The reason we were given was the weather, but the weather was fine in Chicago and it was fine in New York.
No other flights were canceled, so the weather excuse didn't hold up. They wouldn't put me on another flight that day, so I ended up leaving the next morning on the first flight out but I was still late for work. They didn't seem to be very accommodating or apologetic and I didn't even offer compensation to those who had to stay overnight to wait for the next flight out. C'mon AA. Step it up! I would think that if you cancel a flight, you should help your customers get home the same day.
Do whatever you can. I don't think you did whatever you could for most of us on that flight. Pros: "Food was good". Cons: "No entertainment on the flight". Cons: "The seats were very uncomfortable". Cons: "The plane supposedly was running out of fuel, which I've never heard of such thing. So we had to go down 20mns before reaching Charlotte to a nearby airport to get fueled up and then went back in the air. The whole ordeal made me miss my connection flight to Barcelona!
And I wasn't able to get on a flight until the next day. To make matters worse I had to flight back to New York to catch the flight to Barcelona! I was beyond disappointed. I chose American Airlines for a reason, a good one at that. Yet this happened. Pros: "The crew did everything they could for the passengers to make them comfortable and informed about the situation but unfortunately it was out of their hands. We had a domino effect of things happen that caused us to be delayed and then cancelled.
First a Gate change to a different terminal after boarding was suppose to begin so we had to take a shuttle over and we're still missing 50 passengers, Engine problem that required maintenance, refuel because we were in the plane on the ground waiting for so long, deplane and replane for 10 mins because of a law, on the runway and back to the gate for all these different occasions.
When they finally let us off the plane after all these hours it was because of weather although the skies were blue and the pilot was confident it wouldn't be an issue they didn't actually cancel the flight until 5pm, my flight was suppose to take off at 9am.
They were also required by law to give us free snacks Bc we hadn't eaten all day or had fresh air--these were all chips and soda AA customer relations said they couldn't compensate because the issue that was documented in their records for my flight cancellation was because of "weather" Cons: "No power outlets. A bag of chips in 1st class is pretty weak. Compared to Europe flights we can from, aircraft felt like 's Aeroflot.
Pros: "honestly, all I can say is that I like that I arrived? Cons: "I didn't like that American Airlines had not staffed our flight, so we waited for 4. They kept delaying the flight, 5 minutes at a time, for 4. It flew out of LGA, it was a 9pm flight. The airport food sources were closed, and AA kept us until 1am-- no food, no internet, and, because LGA has terrible cell reception, no phone service.
Once we got on the plane, everyone was really hungry, and the plane had no snacks. No entertainment because the TV system was broken. It was just a miserable experience. Cons: "Flight attendants partying with a row of passengers for over an hour. Southern bonding". Pros: "Excellent aircraft.
Not big but very comfortable aircraft. AA has decided to give actual leg room. Nice experience even in the back of the aircraft. Cons: "AA needs to work on boarding logistics at LaGuardia.
It's confusing to have to shuttle across the tarmac to another terminal. If the flight times had been closer I would not have arrived in time to board. Pros: "The crew was very nice and peofessional. Cons: "Boarding and then 20 minutes later, deboarding, due to no crew showing up for flight! We had to wait over an hour to board again!! Pros: "Flight was good.
No delays. No hassle". Cons: "Apparently due to staffing issue I sat in a plane for 2 hours before it took off causing me and my partner to miss our connection. Pros: "I messed up royally, as a result, I missed my flight to Miami. However, they were able to put me on the available flight without the extra cost to me. Thanks a lot.
Cons: "When the pilot took off at LGA he said "everyone here is trying to take off at the same time" so we'd be delayed by 30 min. Not once was there a mention of any other reason. It was listed nowhere on the departures screen and I realized I had to take an outdoor bus to the other half of the "c" terminal which was very confusing. I got there and had missed the connecting flight and stand in line for 20 min for someone to tell me that I would be stuck in DC overnight.
At this point rain had started pouring and they told me that because my mishap was due to weather they would provide no meal or hotel voucher. Weather was not the issue and I was stuck in DC overnight by myself and not compensated for hotels or meals.
Cons: "Flight from Ny to Detroit was delayed for 2 hrs. Coming back was worse after multiple delays, they cancelled the flight. After more calls put me in another United flight later that night which also finally got cancelled. Still awaiting my refund from American for the return leg which was cancelled and left a lady traveling alone stranded at Detroit airport in the night. Apology or compensation -- forget it, you will never get that!
Only now if they can refund my cancelled flight Cons: "Flights a few hours late, and then the time to turn for the better, and asked the staff, they actually said that I would like to wait, this flight service is really too bad. Pros: "Was able to switch to a different flight as a standby". Cons: "The flight was delayed for an hour and then delayed for another 2. Meanwhile, the flight was called for boarding. It was very frustrating. Those of us who got in line quickly were able to fly standby on the flight.
I felt the airline did not treat us honestly. I believe the reasons for the delays were known long before the delays were communicated to passengers. For example, there was a new delay announcement at for a flight scheduled to leave at Had we been informed earlier, people could have made alternate plans if they wanted to do so e. Rent a car or reschedule for the next day. Pros: "The flight attendants were so nice. They were genuinely kind and helpful to the passengers. Cons: "The overhead bins are small".
Pros: "Really smooth flight. Landing and take off were comfortable, and seats were spacey. Cons: "Lady flight attendant could've smiled. Found myself hoping that all is well with her. Cons: "Not a fan of using a phone for entertainment". Cons: "Either passengers wear a mask or not. Also, not sure why the Wifi went out midway through the flight. Get your act together United! Cons: "It was a mess from start to finish. Ridiculous lines.
Ridiculous covid rules. They have us all shoulder to shoulder in tiny waiting areas then suddenly we get on line to board and have to stand six feet apart and then on the plane we are squashed all together anyway.
Not having the ability to get a boarding pass from the online app or printed made me have to wait in a line people long to access the kiosk and then half of them were down. Then another line maybe people long just to be allowed up the escalator to where there is another line to go through exuding checks. My flight was an hour and I spent three hours online getting to it!!! Pros: "Typical flight". Pros: "Boarding and disembarking were very smooth and the crew was very nice. Cons: "We had to change flight to West Palm as there was an engine problem.
We had to turnaround from the runway. Cons: "Better entertainment options. Wasn't prepared for using my own device and I didn't have Bluetooth headsets. Cons: "There was no proper social distancing and safety measures followed. The plane was packed and the flight was almost an hour longer due to excessive cargo according to the pilot. Pros: "The United staff and flight were great, no complaints.
We arrived a few minutes too late for my partner to check in with his luggage so they even arranged it so that he would be able to still catch the flight but the luggage would be sent on the following flight.
Definitely saved us from the stress of having to be split up and worried on when there would be room for him to catch an alternate flight. A guy said he missed his flight last time that happened. They had more trains going to the parking lot for customers leaving the airport than they did for people catching their flights! Then there was only one security check in line, even for expedited check in. Cons: "I was not allowed on the flight despite spending two weeks planning and calling and organizing to get my emotional support animal onto the plane.
After booking everything on the advice of airlines and agents they all gave me blatantly incorrect information and after admitting they were in the wrong would still do nothing because apparently nobody is responsible when I booked through an online agent also done on the advice of lufthansa.
I will be making sure someone provide compensation and takes responsibility for the monetary, emotional and time consuming disaster that has transpired. Thank you for nothing. Pros: "The crew on the flight was very nice and I like that they fed us multiple times. But I was on a flight before hand that was much smaller and it fit in the overhead space there.
When I try to tell them that it fit in the last plane and I fit it in the example been, they still made me check it. I believe they just picked me out for no reason. It was ridiculous and the lady was very rude. The crew on the flight was very nice and I like that they fed us multiple times. Also, the flight was very cold. Even with the blanket and cardigan, we could never get warm. Pros: "The flight attendant was nice and helpful.
Cons: "There was not much legroom. Especially when the person in front of you reclines. The menu stated they had craft beers. They did not. The Entertainment system is very old. My iPhone 7 has a larger and better quality screen. Not to mention it is based on channels like a TV so when you turn the channel it changes the already playing channels.
At least Delta has large touch screens so you can choose what you want to watch and watch it from the beginning. The flight was late and one of our bags did not make it on the flight. We were happy it was on the next flight. Pros: "I guess the flight was ok.
The pilot knew where he was going". Cons: "It can't be true that they have not even a small blanket for someone who kindly ask and then when the flight is over you see them every where and unopened in first class.
These airlines are n need of a real policy that lets them know it is money we are expending when we take a flight. And taking the carry-on bag.
And not seating people together after you call and re call and talk to 3 different persons The last one just says: I will see what can be done and then ignores you Not NICE. Please remember that many airlines have come and go.
Those are some of the reasons. Cons: "I had booked seat 16C and checked in with that seat. I asked for my original seat back but was told by the gate agent that it was taken, for unknown reasons.
It turned out, 16C remained empty for the entire flight. Flight crew said they did not know why the seat assignment change. I suspect it was done so that the passenger in seat 16D would have the row to herself.
I would be very hesitant to fly United again after this treatment. Pros: "Everything". Cons: "Trail mix was gross, the child sitting next to me spilled her soda all over my pants and throughout the flight kept purposely touching even after I and her mother told her to stop. Pros: "This was a direct red eye flight to Madrid". First off the flight attendant was so rude, whenever I asked for something or said thank you she would just stare at me and not respond.
I mean I get it, it's a red eye flight I wasn't expecting anyone to be chipper. But honestly that was especially rude having to deal with her for the 6 hour trip to Madrid. Second the food was especially disgusting. The chicken was in this white sauce that looked like discharge and if taste like rubber. The bread was hard to bite into.
Everything was so stale and tasted so bad I wondered how long they had that food sitting there. My last trip to Europe I flew Swiss air to Italy they had the best customer service and the food didn't taste like I was eating cardboard in jail.
I am never flying united airlines to Europe again. It is too long of a trip for subpar service. Cons: "We arrived at the Newark Airport 3 hours before our flight, arrived at our gate, as designated, 45 minutes before boarding.
Nowhere around the gate, on any monitors, did we see our flight number posted. Three airline attendants, at three different desks, at our gate were all talking at the same time announcing flights. I heard our flight announced once. My husband asked one of the attendants about our flight and they said it was delayed an hour. That was BS. We nearly missed our flight because it was boarding at that time.
Wouldn't it make sense that if the flight was scheduled to depart at a certain time, 5 minutes before that, still no crew, let the passengers know then? Not if you're United. They told us to wait 20 minutes, then after 30 minutes told us about the delay and the New departure time. But when that time arrived, still no Captain. Finally, after another 15 minutes, we're on the way. Except not quite. Now, they can't get the weight and logistics of the flight worked out.
C'mon United, get it together!! Cons: "We were an 1hr and 40mins late. It would have been ok but the pilot and crew did say why. United kept me informed by using text messages which were great. They had us sitting down and water could be given until the flights starts but 1 st class recieved all the accommodations which i unstand that is why you pay for 1st class.
But honestly the crew could accommodate a class of water to a few passagers. The pilot didn't have to wait 40 mins to let us k now we were waiting on maintenance to sign off on their form. Some of the passage obeyed the rules by turning of our phone. I turn my phone back on when i heard a passager say maintance was required. I would say flight was good sits were smaller than last August".
Cons: "Flight delayed over 4 hours. When I spoke to the person at he gate when we had to deboard, She was patient in explaining but didn't seem like she wanted to answer my questions in front of everyone else.
I walked over to the United customer service desk. No sense of empathy whatsoever. They gave me the answers to my questions but I almost felt like I had done wrong asking what my options were. Never had an issue with Lufthansa. United customer service is a different story. I will try my best to avoid Lufthansa flights operated by United from now on.
Pros: "There was nothing I liked about the flight". Cons: "Layover in New Jersey was horrible. My flight was delayed 4x, and arrived at my destination 4 hours behind schedule. Depending on the day of the week and the time of day you book, flight prices can vary dramatically. To obtain the best prices for Sangster International flights than book well in advance. To see all airliners that offer flights between John F Kennedy International and Sangster International please see the table below.
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