San diego beekeeping club

LA County Beekeepers Association. Shasta Beekeepers Association. Redding, CA E: usbsullivan gmail. Marin County Beekeepers Association. San Rafael, CA E: gpmorse comcast. Sonoma County Beekeepers Association. Santa Rosa, CA E: president sonomabees.

South Valley Bee Club. Gordon Wardell, President. Paso Robles, CA E: tsinamor aol. Meetings are on the 4th Thursday, at La Mirada Civic Center. La Mirada, CA Long Beach Beekeeping Club. First Sunday of the month at 10am.

Hosted by EDCO, go upstairs to the conference room. Signal Hill, CA. Our membership is currently comprised of mostly small-scale beekeepers who are dedicated to keeping bees in the urban environment. Copyright Contact Us. OCBA Services. Join us Membership Benefits. OCFair Remember me. Forgot password. Home Join us Donate Volunteer.

Log in. Diablo Beekeepers Association P. Box Sacramento, CA E: info sacbeekeepers. Gilroy Beekeepers Association P. La Mirada, CA www. Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software. A new option to register is by using the BeeWhere website.

See the quick start guide for more information. For questions, call the Bee Hotline at California Master Beekeeper Program. Bee Informed Partnership. Honey Bee Health Coalition. California State Beekeepers Association. Western Apiculture Society.


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