The earth wobble, the weather, the volcanoes, earthquakes, land subsidences, sinkholes, falling bridges, cut communications cables, meteors, and the dark twin of earth photographed from Antarctica, and so many other issues, are breaking the coverup of Planet X all by itself.
ETs are showing themselves to say there is hope, even with the coming poleshift. Why let us know they are there if they do not intend to help us? Around the world UFOs have been seen by millions, and recorded. Goodyear Blimp goes UFO! Goodyear blimp was given the honor of flying and filming the opening ceremony but because they were not an official Olympic sponsor they had to remove the Goodyear logo.
A case of mistaken identity sadly! With the terrorist threat and all the military drones and helicopters in the area, there was always going to be a possibility of something being mistaken as a UFO sighting.
Sadly in this case it was a camera blimp hovering around for the overhead shots of the ceremony. Of course, there are different types of UFO sightings.
The orb is what we think of as the underbelly. In the video, the UFO appears to be revving its engine or hyperdrive to depart the skies. He posted a minute-and-a-half long video of a dancing org, having in the night sky. This UFO looked like it moved around more, dancing from one point to the next. On closer inspection, the glowing UFO was also a wheel within a wheel.
Last May, the U. One video showed a vehicle moving at superhuman speed along the Eastern Seaboard. Another showed the silhouette of a flying saucer hovering in the sky. For instance, maybe the glow of the UFO was enhanced. Often times, if the UFO looks too good to be true it probably is.
Or maybe a drone. The U. Blimp, it is obvious.