Uplift preparatory fort worth

Texas Fort Worth. Application Deadline. Deadline for application submissions. Please contact the school for more details. Interview Required. Interview requirements for admission to the school. Tests that are either required or recommended for admission to the school.

From Uplift Meridian Preparatory. College and Career. Percent Proficient - Reading. Because states implement these tests differently, use caution when comparing this data to data from another state.

Percent Proficient - Math. This is the percentage of students that scored at or above proficiency levels on their state math assessment test. The Whole Scholar. Map is loading. Note: School map boundaries may have changed for the current school year so please contact your school district to verify school assignment for your child. Find A School. Our CEO. Yasmin Bhatia. Our Formula For Success. The Whole Scholar. IB For All Challenging students to excel academically. And Beyond Walking with students as they build and realize their futures.

The national average for college degree attainment. Higher than the state average for college preparedness. Years of proven success. Our Network. Class Of Acceptances to different colleges and universities.

Largest International Baccalaureate district in Texas and 2 in the nation. About Uplift Elevate Preparatory School. To contact the school, call Uplift Elevate Preparatory School Boundries homes for sale and rent. Type For Sale For Rent. New Construction. Please contact the school district to determine the schools to which this property is zoned.

School boundary map anomalies in street representation can and do occur, please contact the school directly using the number listed above.

The boundaries for this school are not available. Compare School. Compare School Search. Compare first School with Type other School Name.


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