Whistler award indianapolis

To submit a nomination, complete the electronic form available at www. Additional letters of support can be emailed to info indygipc. Founded in , the Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee GIPC exists to provide a non-partisan forum in which leaders of the public and private sectors of Indianapolis can work as partners to study, discuss and address issues of concern and areas of opportunity which affect the progress of the city.

White indygipc. Nominations sought for Charles L. Previous Next. Whistler Award — the most prestigious award given annually to a community volunteer. The Charles L. Whistler Award continues to honor the legacy of Whistler, a lawyer and community leader in the grand tradition, who gave his time and extraordinary abilities to the Indianapolis community without asking for power or position in return.

Bill Shrewsberry receives highly esteemed Whistler Award. Previous Next. About the Charles L. Army Air Corps. Under the G. Bill, Whistler was able to attend Indiana University, becoming the first in his family to go to college. Whistler was recognized as a great lawyer and negotiator.

He led several GIPC task forces, giving lifelong leadership and concern for our city. In , Whistler helped Dr. Beurt Servaas shape the Bill to create Unigov, making Indianapolis a model in governmental efficiency for tax payers. Whistler also showed an appreciation for city landmarks and cultural integrity. Fellow leaders describe Whistler as kind, fair, and trustworthy. Although Whistler died far too young, he left us, according to the late Dr.


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