She is totally prepared to enter college and be successful!! Check out schools near Baltimore Ave. Neighborhood Overview. Caddo Heights, South Highlands. See Local Highlights. Neighborhood stats provided by third party data sources. At least 72 Trulia users voted on each feature. Car is needed. There are sidewalks. It's dog friendly. Yards are well-kept. Parking is easy. Kids play outside. There's holiday spirit. It's quiet. They plan to stay for at least 5 years.
It's walkable to grocery stores. Streets are well-lit. Neighbors are friendly. There are community events. It's walkable to restaurants. People would walk alone at night. There's wildlife. See All what locals say. Learn more about our methodology. Dog Owners. Trulia User. Resident 1y ago. Random stray cats are being fed by some, causing possums, raccoons and other animals to dwell around the homes.
Dog owners frequently converse with other dog owners. Resident 3y ago. The neighborhood is quiet. It is a friendly environment. In the morning you see joggers and bikers. Everyone is openly friendly. They keep an eye out for each other. Safe and convenient to everything! Not a lot of traffic". Diverse ages, single and married. Near work. Children went to CE Byrd Magnet - something for every student academics, sports, clubs, music, cheering, pep squad".
Gender Identity. Sexual Orientation. Protection from being unfairly evicted, denied housing, or refused the ability to rent or buy housing. On February 11, , HUD announced that it interprets the federal Fair Housing Act to prohibit housing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
On June 15, , the US Supreme Court ruled that employers subject to Title VII cannot hire, fire, or otherwise discriminate against employees based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
Public Accommodations. Protection from being unfairly refused services or entry to or from places accessible to the public retail stores, restaurants, parks, hotels, etc.
Learn More about local legal protections. See All local legal protections. Take a look. Skip to first item. Local Information.
New Local Information. This property is not currently for sale or for rent on Trulia. The description and property data below may have been provided by a third party, the homeowner or public records. This property has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and approximately 1, sqft of floor space. Home Details for Baltimore Ave.
Interior Features. Heating: Other. Interior Details. Number of Rooms: 7. Property Information. Property Type: Single Family Home. Exterior Features. Exterior Home Features. Exterior: Stucco. See Less home details.
Price History for Baltimore Ave. Public Records. Agent Provided. Listed For Sale. Property Taxes and Assessment. Home facts updated by county records. Price Trends. For homes in Price trends provided by third party data sources. Comparable Sales for Baltimore Ave. Property Type.
Single-Family Home. Assigned Schools. These are the assigned schools for Baltimore Ave. Arthur Circle Elementary School. GreatSchools Rating. Parent Rating Average. It truly has not been a good experience for my daughter nor me as a parent. My daughter has a disability.
Some of the staff don't know how to talk to children or other adults with respect. I was trying to wait but things are getting worse so I want to remove my daughter so she can start over in a different environment.
Parent Review 1y ago. Broadmoor Middle Laboratory School. Broadmoor Middle Lab is the bomb, Im very impress, Not bad as others put it out to be, lets go Bulldogs, Youree Drive isn't any better, my son went there last year, he likes Broadmoor way better. Parent Review 3y ago. Byrd High School. No reviews available for this school. Claiborne Fundamental Elementary School. Herndon Magnet School.
We transferred here from the top elementary magnet school in the parish for middle school. The level of work and expectations were lower than we had experienced in elementary school. The school as a whole is outdated from the infrastructure to the teaching tools. There was also a constant underlying bias against certain students. Judson Fundamental Elementary School. This is my daughter's first yeart at a public school; and it was a difficult adjustment.
However, the friendly staff at Judson, has helped her come out of her "shell". A wonderful school. South Highlands Elementary Magnet School. My son is a second grader at South Highlands and he has been there since Kindergarten.
He absolutely loves it! And so does his father and I. We could not have gotten a better school!!! Being at this school has kept my son's zeal to learn burning!!! Caddo Parish Magnet High School. My daughter is a senior and has blossomed since beginning CMHS four years ago. She is totally prepared to enter college and be successful!! Check out schools near Baltimore Ave. Neighborhood Overview.
Caddo Heights, South Highlands. See Local Highlights. Neighborhood stats provided by third party data sources. At least 72 Trulia users voted on each feature. Car is needed. There are sidewalks. It's dog friendly. Yards are well-kept. Parking is easy. Kids play outside. There's holiday spirit. It's quiet. They plan to stay for at least 5 years. It's walkable to grocery stores. Streets are well-lit. Neighbors are friendly. There are community events. It's walkable to restaurants.
People would walk alone at night. There's wildlife. See All what locals say. Learn more about our methodology. Dog Owners. Trulia User.