Philadelphia heart ball 2011

The Long Island Heart Ball is an annual social event held to recognize outstanding accomplishments of individuals and companies.

Toggle navigation. American Heart Association — Eastern States. The Philadelphia Heart Ball raises funds for public and professional education, advocacy, scientific research, and community programs right here in Philadelphia. With its community partners, the AHA is addressing nutrition insecurity and hypertension in high risk patients in North and West Philadelphia.

Research funded by the AHA has yielded important discoveries such as CPR, life-extending drugs, pacemakers, bypass surgery, surgical techniques to repair heart defects and more. Skip to main content. We live fierce and fight for all. Schulmeister heart. Our Mission To be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives.

Our mission drives everything we do. For years, the Heart Ball has helped to advance the lifesaving mission of the American Heart Association, a mission that has impacted the lives of thousands of men, women and children throughout the Delaware Valley.

Contributions received go far in supporting cardiovascular research, professional and community education, and advocacy efforts.


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